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When did a client last start?

This is a question that I often have to ask a user.  The problem is that our users answers cannot always be considered…shall we say “reliable.”  Below is a PowerShell function that you can use to to determine when the client in question was last started.  Here is what you get when you run this function.

PS C:\windows\system32> Get-LastStartTime -ComputerName Work-PC

Last Startup Time: 12/31/2012 1:44:43 PM

I’m using this as part of the HelpDesk module that I creating for my up coming book and also I’ll be demonstrating the full module at the Cincinnati PowerShell users group meet up on Thursday, February 21, 2013.  Here is a link to the event.  Our focus will be on using PowerShell with your Help Desk.

# .............................................................................

# Function Get-LastStartTime

# Retrieves the last start time on the client machine.

Function Get-LastStartTime


Param ($ComputerName = ".",





    If (!$Quiet)


        Write-Host "Last Startup Time: " `

         -ForegroundColor Cyan `

         -BackgroundColor DarkBlue `





    $Events = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {



            $LogHash = @{LogName = 'System'; ID = 6005}

            Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $LogHash `

             -MaxEvents 1 `

             -ErrorAction Stop









        } -ComputerName $ComputerName


    If (!$Quiet)


        If ($Events -ne $Null)

        {Write-Host ($Events.TimeCreated).ToString() `

         -ForegroundColor Green `

         -BackgroundColor DarkBlue}


        {Write-Host "Could not determine the last start time." `

         -ForegroundColor Red `

         -BackgroundColor DarkRed}




    # If $Passthru is enabled, then return the results of this test

    # to the PowerShell pipeline.

    If($PassThru) {Write-Output $Events}






Returns the time the client was last started.



Returns the time the client was last started.


.PARAMETER ComputerName

the name of a client to connect to.



Returns the test result from this cmdlet.



Get-LastStartTime -ComputerName Work-PC

Last Startup Time: 12/31/2012 1:44:43 PM



Get-LastStartTime -ComputerName Work-PC -PassThru

Last Startup Time: 12/31/2012 1:44:43 PM


   ProviderName: EventLog


TimeCreated           Id   LevelDisplayName Message                                                          

-----------           --   ---------------- -------                                                         

12/31/2012 1:44:43 PM 6005 Information      The Event log service was started.    



} # End Function: Get-LastStartTime -------------------------------------------


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